• You thought we were just a label,
    And you threw your feelings on the table;
    What did we mean to you?
    Because I feel like a fool,
    If all we've been is a tool,
    To fix things that were broken,
    But there is no fixing you
    Because you feel you're perfect
    But you can't hide your true colors.
    You aren't who you used to be,
    I wish that you could see
    And that I knew who you really were
    To save myself from these overwhelming feelings
    And from the changes you have caused,
    I wonder if you've ever paused,
    And thought of what you said and did
    But you only ran and hid
    From the only ones who truly cared
    I thought we all shared
    An unbreakable bond
    That has become deformed and cracked
    From your stubborness and fear
    Why were you scared of those who cared?
    We tried to tell you what was wrong,
    But you wouldn't listen
    When it comes to you, nothing's broken
    When it comes to others, your thoughts must be spoken
    You want people to hear what you have to say
    But why should they listen to you
    When you, in turn, you don't listen to them.
    You make your excuses
    That have so many uses
    It's hard to see who you really are
    With the mask you always wear
    But your mask is slipping off
    Your true self reavealed