• Wander long halls in search for something
    Steps stumbling, darkness slowly consuming
    A while lost, blind
    Could you help me to find
    The way, a path of assurance?

    Similars share pain and comfort, mostly sympathy
    Glitching eyes starve for what one mistakenly finds
    Quickly walking past
    But don’t ever ask
    Something's stirring in a glass slowly filling

    Likeness of interest and sharing of thoughts
    An ally with the force to consume smaller country
    Grown up side-by-side
    Connected for life
    Needing defense against the coming

    Startling eyes find me, lights instinct inside
    Soft gentile touches create thirst for warmth
    Please help me see
    With you I feel free
    Guide me through in one piece

    Find yourself, child, seek what is desired
    Reach further into the dark, and do not be afraid
    Pure moments of bliss
    And everything to miss;
    A perfect fate to be meant for.

    Water flows true and overflows cup
    Knife plunges deep, familiar face wielder
    Voices echo though the phone
    I’m still so alone
    And bleeding of pain from once brethren.

    A kind of hate, love, resentment, though blood semblance
    Trust turned to dust with turned tables and deceit
    Knowing every secret,
    Power exposes weakness
    Chains so tempting to snap

    Tenderness taunt, tease tormented mind
    Sweet warm breath whispers goodbyes
    It’s a way through that I seek
    Without you I grow weak
    Keep my glass heart from falling

    Wander endlessly through thicket in search to find something
    Thorns brush numb skin, but no pain surges through
    Forever lost in mind
    Can you help me to find
    Some way out, some way back through the bleak?