• Come towards me.
    Take my hand for though it is not outstretched
    I wish to be held.
    You don't see because I do not show my feelings to the world.
    My emotions are something I keep to myself
    but I don't always WANT to keep them to myself.
    I don't want to share them though,
    to people just because they say, "What's wrong?"
    I want to tell YOU.
    But I'll only tell you if you care.
    Do you care?
    Care enough to listen to my constant chatter?
    Enough to listen to me complain?
    Enough to hold me whenever I cry and not
    think anything less of me?
    Enough to know when I want to be comforted without me saying so?
    Do you care enough to love me?
    I want you to care about me.
    I want you to love me.