• If you love me

    You'll remember my birthday and important things like that and still show me you care no matter how much it hurts you

    If you love me

    You'll spend countless hours looking up into the sky during the night and day wondering how you are doing

    If you love me

    You will live everyday despite how unworthy your life is without me in it

    If you love me

    You'll stop talking to your friends cause they make me feel uncomfortable

    If you love me

    You'll stop talking to your parents cause they bring you down

    If you love me

    You'll respect my freedom, privacy, and space

    If you love me

    You'll forgive my father for threatening you not only once but twice with kicking your a**

    If you love me

    You'll forgive my sister for hitting you numerous times for throwing her out cause I wanted you too

    If you love me

    You'll take your anger out on hitting inanimate objects and yourself before you hit me

    If you love me

    You'll show me a great time on a special occasion that my girlfriend forgot even if it means selling something valuable to you to make it possible

    If you love me

    You'll try to reconnect friends who love me very much to show me that you care about my mental well being

    If you love me

    You'll always be that shoulder to cry on in times off need no matter how far away you are

    If you love me

    You'll forgive me time and time again for leading you on in friendship or in love while I completely ignore your feelings for me

    If you love me

    You'll make me choose between happiness and respecting you

    If you love me

    You stay behind to hold me close even if it means you being late for work time and time again

    If you love me

    You sit through countless times of no response out of even respect

    If you love me

    You tell your friends to wait on plans, you want to do is spend time with me.

    I have already done all of the above