1. I was always told that the word Friend is spelled F-R-I-E-N-D cause your supposed to be friends to the end, then why is it that most of my so called "friends" only last a year or two?
2. I believe that school was originally designed as a way to keep kids out of there parents hair durring the day and just slowly turned into a "learning facility"
3. Why do people cast the words Love/Hate as no big deal? These used to be words used to describe intense emotions now they are tossed around so carelessly.
4. Why do kids feel the need to rebel against there parents? Is it because they feel that if they fallow there parents rules then they will turn into the parents themselves?
5. How do you define family? Is a Mom just the person who gave you birth? Or is she just the woman who loves you and takes care of you? Is family defined by blood or by love and trust?
6. if you cant trust your friends and you cant trust your family, are you destined to exist alone?
7. what is destiny? Is it truly that your life is planed before your birth or is it just a random occurrence that you couldn't live without?
8. If everyone Hates this world and where its headed, then why doesn't anyone do anything about it?
9. If dreams really do come true, then doesnt the same truth apply to the opposition? For instance if one dreams of butterflies and another has only nightmares what if both came true?
10. if you had the choice to never dream again or to have only nightmares for the rest of your life. which would you choose?
11. If all people want world peace than why do people still run around with guns and knifes killing innocent?
12. what is the difference between good and evil? if you live your life well and help those around you then does that make you good? but what if your opinion of helping involves hurting others? are you still good? and if so does that mean that men like Adolph Hitler where truly righteous men?
13. why are people afraid to talk about the bad things that happend in the past? when all the experts say thats its best to talk about things instead of keeping them inside?
14. it has been said that thinking about heaven can drive you into a living hell. if that is true then why are religious people so happy?
15. when they invented the alphabet did they just run out of ideas after the letter "z"?
16. If the world has just 1 universal language then what would it sound like?
17. why is it that no matter how hard i try. i cannot imagine what heaven would look like but i have no problem visualizing hell?
18. Why is the word supposedly as powerful as "Freedom" actually such a brood term? How do you define freedom?
19. Why arnt people who kill "in the name of god" in prison when somewhere some man is facing trial because somebody broke into his home and he shot the guy to keep his family safe?
20. Is there any real difference between cop and criminal? a criminal could just be a man stealing to feed his family not wanting to hurt anyone. but yet every cop is willing to take a life in the name of what they think is right.
21. Why is it human nature to lie? if everyone told the truth wouldnt it be so much easier to talk to people. but then again without lie's there would be no guilt and it would probably relieve a lot of stress.
22. If we evolved from monkeys then why is it that monkeys mate for life yet humans run from person to person without feeling anything?
23. Why is it that when a girls boyfriend breaks up with her she will cry and complain that all men are jerks while the boy there crying to is actually listening?
24. why do people complain about stuff they easily can fix?
25. why is it that women say men only think about one thing when most of the men i talk to either don't think like that because there afraid to be like every other guy or they dont think at all because they are afraid of there own thoughts.
26. is Love at first sight real or is it merely lust accentuated by our hormones?
27. why is it that white people are all racist or bigots yet when people of minorities or of color are being racist or intolerant nobody says a thing?
28. if we are meant to be happy then why do we feel pain or depression?
29. why is it that people think that women have it worse because they are more concerned with how they look when 98% of men are so self-conscious that they refuse to look at themselves if they are not wearing clothes?
30, Why is it so easy to tell someone you hate them yet so hard to tell someone else that you love them?
my thoughts
a list of my thoughts writen for no reason other than to express myself i guess you can call it poetry
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