• A heart can break
    A heart can mend,
    But trust me, you'll love again.

    Hate becomes love once more,
    Love becomes hate, all the same,
    What happens to young hearts, it's a shame.

    Love can make your heart break,
    Love can make your heart happy and light,
    The heart won't die though, come what might.

    A heart can break,
    A heart can mend,
    But trust me, you'll love again.

    We can be left unfeeling,
    We might be sad, filled with turmoil
    But love will sprout, like a flower from soil.

    It's a repeating cycle of life,
    We hate, we love, we feel,
    No matter what, our hearts will re-heal.

    You may not wish to love again,
    But you can't stop an aching heart,
    For love will somehow fill in the broken parts.

    A heart can break,
    A heart can mend,
    But trust me, you will love again.