• I'm so sick of these lies
    so sick of the fights
    so sick of crying at night

    Trying to find help
    that's why we scream and yell

    Looking at the empty glass
    that once had
    juices that abuse us

    Feeling the taste of the blade
    running across dead flesh

    Sensation, temptation

    bleeding eyes
    hatred inside

    Livivng in a shithole
    there's nothing blissful

    Everyone is hated

    by one, by two and by a few
    No one knows, but me and you
    of all that we've been through

    Everything we've seen and heard
    was infered

    As the direction to take
    but all we did was a mistake

    Is this all they have?
    We're making our own path,
    we're making sure we'll pass.

    We won't be left behind,
    thats why we fight.

    To move on and emulate,
    we control our own fate.