• I sit in my little dark corner silent
    i do not speak cuz if i do she will twist my words and use them against me
    i cry in my little dark somber corner thinking about revenge
    Though from the corner of my eye i see my prince
    with all hope i thought he would save me
    but then she came and blocked me from the beatiful world again
    it is black and cold in my little corner now..
    Now that what i would call the devil has ruin all my hopes
    i would try to get back on my feet
    but knowing she would hit me back down...i do not try
    Now i shall most likey sit here till she moves and i can see the sun again
    But for now my little somber,dark,silent,corner is all i have
    And with all high hope one day i will get on my feet even with all the scares she has made
    and push her down
    but now i think to myself and say
    She is the nightmare in my life that hurts me not in dreams but in life...
    I hate my little somber corner;(