• Blue skies
    Tank tops and shorts are the fashion
    Brown eyes
    And a burning passion
    Birds singing in the air
    Tall grass fields
    With you next to me there
    Our late night meetings the tall grass conceals
    Hot days
    Warm nights
    Together we are always
    In each others sight
    Summer time
    Is our time
    Then the leaves begin to change
    Fall comes and it gets colder
    Our passion doesn't change
    Me and you don't get colder
    Red, brown, orange, yellow
    Jack- o - lanterns
    Late night meetings are mellow
    On my skin you trace patterns
    Than winter comes along after fall
    Snowball fights and snowmen
    Going home we stall
    Kissing now and then
    Hot chocolet and a movie
    Durring the scary parts
    You sooth me
    When the movie ends neither you or i departs