• Caught in the snare of the acid music
    Swaying to the rhythm of the striking blade
    Pushing forward, beckoned towards the dark
    He purrs in her ear; all will be over
    Stop your thrashing; it’s all to end soon
    Just as the last scream escapes dry lips
    He lands the target, scarlet gushes in droplets
    Tonight the eve of two year anniversary
    Murder the cheater who broke Damion
    Sacrifice sanity to strictly avenge
    The costs uneven and still dearly repaid
    Crippled emotions no longer vibrantly filled
    As his days are counted on the calendar
    Dreading the exclusion; embracing the busted soul
    Seizures in bed; haunted in reveries
    Her ivory pale skin etched in concrete
    Blood ruby lips kissing invisibly down his neck
    Tremors of fear and pleasure chilling his spine
    Deeply mumbling incoherent phrases
    Clasping the weapon coated in crimson
    Slyly drawing it towards his sweating throat
    His tears deceive him as on impulse flesh is slit open
    Pouring out the flavor of regret and secret peace
    He silently amends his final sin
    Unknown to him, this was her twisted plot
    Cassie’s ghost has struck her revenge
    Successful in killing her betrayed love
    Cassie, everlastingly, rest in peace