• When i look up at the sky i see
    a white and blue sky that makes you feel
    warm when my friends call my name
    out and I look back I only see darkness.

    When i see the darkness that's following me I feel like
    i can't escape it how much i scream for help
    no one hears me i want some one to save me
    but I don't know when that might happen.

    I don't want to tell my friends because i know
    they won't help me since i have already
    asked for help before and no one comes
    but I'm not going to give up just yet i will

    get out of this darkness sooner or later
    I just have to wait for the right person
    to come and save me from this
    darkness I hope that will be soon.

    I'm waiting for the right hand to grab mine
    and lift me up from that darkness that i hate
    so much someone that will bring me to
    the warm light again so i will wait until then.