• As true love will tell,
    what else cannot fail,
    for all I see is a blur,
    the image in my mind is all wrong,
    the gruesome sorrow-so strong,
    taking over,
    throwing my mind over,
    mixing my mind at random,
    setting my feelings with it's freedom,
    breaking the promise-
    breaking her heart,
    I scream,
    I shout,
    at loving bay,
    the streams of dark waters,
    careless of what matters,
    my thoughts,
    my memories-
    drifting away,
    the price I have to pay,
    as a ray-
    piercing my head,
    my mind drops blank and dead,
    seeing only light-
    away goes the fright,
    the dark clouds depart and goes-
    as the water flows,
    clean and filled with pureness,
    in the streams of consciousness.