• He's funny and sweet,
    Compliments my voice and my style,
    Gives me hugs and listens to what I say,
    But He isn't you.
    You are funnier and are so much more then sweet,
    You inhance my voice, promote it,
    And have helped me every step of the way,
    Your hugs mean more,
    And you more then just get what I say,
    Your eyes say all I wish I could hear out loud,
    I count the milla-seconds while our eyes meet,
    I count the minutes you are out of the room,
    I count the unspoken words I long to hear,
    The things you say that I know second hand,
    "She would be perefect",
    "Her voice is beautiful",
    "She can do it",
    "Your crazy if you don't let her",
    "She can't be compaired",
    If only I had heard those first hand,
    Then it would be you that greets me everyday and not him.