• When you look at me
    What will you see?
    Something drawing you
    Can you smell me?
    Can you see me?

    Does my presence offend?
    When all you see
    Is a corpse with no face
    Simply rotting away
    Or meat displaced

    Why do you look at me?
    Turning away disgusted
    Who am I to you?
    A gray nameless photo
    Unwanted and unmarked

    Was I ever wanted?
    By your social hierarchy?
    Did I ever cry?
    When you left me alone
    not caring if I died?

    Did you know I?
    From the depths of me
    Inside my red walls
    I hated you
    And hated and hated

    You disgust me, you know?
    From my bowels
    And to my heart
    Leaving me to think
    Alone in a shell

    That I may come up
    Disenchanted with your spell
    This magic, this curse
    Over all you brainwashed curds
    Frittering away on what eludes

    My mirror image
    My hated enemy
    My prey and my slaver
    My disgusted reality
    My self, the hated one