• Lurking in the shadows
    hiding in complete darkness
    being suffocated by the world
    and the people in it
    with no way out
    darkened feeling of depression
    the look of hate coming from your peers
    the feeling of being forgotten
    the feeling of hopeless searching
    for something that you will never find
    a place where you belong
    a place where you can be yourself
    but where ever you go you will always be judged
    having no life of your own
    trying to put your reality on a piece of paper
    but when you try to write
    death is written in every line
    songs about death and dying
    are all based on visions and experiences
    nightmares every night
    and daydreams everyday
    of a world with romance and vampires
    a world where you dont have to care what other people think
    a place where you dont need anyone elses approval to live your life