• Life is so pointless
    There’s nothing to live for but you
    I’m so hurt and so confused
    I can’t do anything but cry
    Yea I’m a baby
    But I’m a baby that’s in love with you
    I’m so scared to make a mistake
    I’m so afraid to hurt you
    Seeing you hurt would break my heart
    All though my hearts already broken
    You fixed my heart
    But you can’t take all the pain and suffering away that I’ve been through
    From the moment I first saw you
    I knew you would be the one I would love forever
    The one I want to stay with forever
    To such a pointless life you made it everything I could have ever wanted
    You were the reason to try …
    The reason I wouldn’t give up when people pushed me down
    I’ll always love you no matter what
    No one can take my heart from you
    It’s a fact baby that I love you
    And my life isn’t pointless ... because I have you