• This is my Herd...And I am the Black Sheep in the flock. No matter how big or small the herd, there is always someone like Me. I stand there like them, I live like them, I eat like them, but still they treat my differently! I was born in the Flock no differently from them and I grew up no differently like them... I was only born like Me.

    If i am to suffer the abuse, the negligence, and the Torment...so be it! I will endure the exile! I WILL make it through the soul-crushing ordeals! The reason I do this?

    To Protect my Herd!

    I don't care if every one other member of my herd hates my existence or even if they deny me my right to defend, I WILL protect my herd! No matter what they say or do, i will stop anyone from destroying the foundation the allfathers had worked so hard to create!!!

    This is the truth of all dedications made today!