• Trapped in my anger,
    Trapped in my life.
    No one knows how I feel
    No one ever will.
    Some people treat me bad.
    But some people help me through the anger I have inside.
    My anger will explode one of these days.
    It might be tomorrow,
    It might be today.

    Ice will calm me down but nothing is ice to me.
    Fire will explode from me
    To strong to control.
    Stay out of my way,
    My fire is about to explode.
    So I would think twice before you mess with me.
    Ice may come in the future.
    But I wouldn't know because I'm trapped in my anger,
    and no one can see what goes on in my head.
    Not untill they get to know who I really am.

    So leave me alone,
    Leave me in my anger
    Untill my ice comes to calm me down.