• What did I do?
    Why don't you want me?
    Do you see me as a threat?
    Or am I handicapping you?
    I ask you these questions, wondering why...
    And I hide,
    And I cry,
    And a tear rolls down my face
    And I just wanna know why
    I'm being treated this way
    What did I do, or what didn't I do?

    Why is she better?
    Why aren't I good enough?
    I'm crying,
    And still you don't care
    So I'll hide,
    And I'll cry, And a tear'll roll down my face
    And I still wanna know why
    I'm being treated this way
    What did I do, or what didn't I do?

    I don't know why I'm not good enough
    Can't you see?
    I might not be the best,
    But I sure ain't the worst
    I'm just as good, Can't you see?

    But since you're not important to me

    I'll no longer hide,
    Or cry,
    And that was the last tear on my face
    But I still don't know why you treated me this way
    And I'm good enough for me