• Who am I in this period of time? Just another soul waiting for the death chime.
    Who am I but another player in lifes game. If I were to leave would it not be the same?
    Who am I to treat you so vile? Is it not the greatest thing to see you smile.
    Who am I to treat you so cold? Does life not already have you in a chokehold.
    Who am I 2 copy your fly? When we are seen as unique in Gods eye.
    So what if your small, medium or large? I cannot judge you like the man in charge.
    You toss and you turn in ur sleep. 'cause they called you ugly, but beauty is only skin deep. Now your life is a mess because of something we said. Because of me theres confusion within ur head. I know i've never been worthy, and for that I am sorry. If it would help I would write you a love jam. But all I can offer you iz, WHO I AM...