• This poor lonely girl
    In such a cold cruel world
    Comes to an unloving mother
    To slap her down to an unforgiving floor
    Where she sobs, she's down, she has no more
    Just feelings of confusion,
    A heart pained with such monstrosity
    Nothing but tears to keep her from crazy
    Just pills she takes now and then
    To wash down everything she has been
    She looks in the mirror everday
    Never really happy at the face
    Never really happy at the scars
    She slams her fist, the mirror breaks
    Her fist bleeding, all the while she shakes
    Crawled up on the floor
    She doesn't want to breathe anymore
    She screams, "Why put me here?"
    She sobs, "Don't let me shed another tear."
    All she wants is love and a home
    All she gets are screams and being alone
    This poor, unlucky girl
    She won't talk to anyone, she doesn't know how
    She just burries the emotions in, not normal now
    All she has is one last friend
    Maybe the one that can give her the end
    She presses a gun to her head,
    I don't think I need to explain what happens next
    All alone, this poor girl
    A note resting in her cold palm
    In bloody words, just for her mom
    "I'm sorry I was a mistake,
    Now you're free
    I hope you're so very happy
    You have ruined my life, I could take no more
    So I end it now, right by your door.
    There is one thing you have not understood yet,
    Oh dear mother, I'm sorry I'm not perfect."
    The poor, unlucky girl
    She sinks deep to the dark
    Another soul leaves
    A heart left with an everlasting mark.