• I think I can keep going on and faking my own nature,
    until I die alone because no one knows the real me
    Maybe you will deem this sadness as nothing more than
    the inevitable decay of the human mind
    but for me it's just the way things are meant to be

    And I know this may seem perplexing
    to someone drowning in the ocean of denial, as such as you
    However this really is the convoluted truth
    of our most arcane essence
    which is deep beneath the self-ignorant wall of lies,
    That we have built around our distorted, carmine-coloured hearts

    You can keep on subduing the burning truth
    but it will not change what's inside your abominable mind
    So there it is:
    You cannot run
    You cannot hide
    This time the enemy is not made of fragile life
    neither is he made of cold and lifeless steel
    Your real foe is there
    Looking back at you from the abyssal, crystal mirror