• This life journey we are on does have an ending
    For all of us a final night and day
    It may end for you in the place you were born and raised in
    Or from there hundreds if not thousands of miles away

    And whether you believe in a God and an afterlife or you are an atheist
    To the Reaper of lives this does not matter at all
    He does not differentiate between rich and poor and saint and sinner
    To his sharp scythe everyone eventually does fall.

    Along life's journey you will find joy and laughter
    As well as sorrow hardship and despair
    As we know everyone is not born as an equal
    Though we all are born to breathe in the same air.

    Our journey through life for us will end somewhere
    It must end for him and her and you and me
    And lets hope the journey for you will end happy
    Where-ever or whenever that will be.