• You hear her plead, you hear her screams
    You hear her shout the wosrst of the obscene
    She's ties, she's trapped, she's chained, she's cuffed.
    Well stuff a rag and make her words muffed.

    She pleads to be let go, she begs, she does.
    Instead we just laugh and cut off her toes.
    She squeals and yelps like a dog in pain.
    Maybe we'll let her get hit by a train.

    We cut off her fingers, one by agonizing one
    She one had five, but now she has none.
    Now all she has is bleeding numbs,
    We think she's lost feeling in both of her thumbs.

    Her death song is loud, it's crazy and wild,
    She thrashes her head to put it mild.
    Her black sjin turns pale, and her brown eyes turn white.
    She's barely there in the dead of the night.

    We slash off her legs, we slash off her arms,
    We throw it in a pit to be eaten by swarms.
    Now it's time to go in for the kill,
    Off with your head, and off it come will!