• NOTE: exclaim this is in another person's point of view.

    Journal entry of a nobody. crying emo

    i've lost.i've lost everything!i've lost my baby,my boyfriend,my family,EVERYTHING!i am now a nobody.noone feels sorry for me.noone will help me!i'm all alone.i have no future.i have nowhere to stay.i'm just a lost spirit.everything and everyone left me.people claim that i've changed,but they just trippin'.just because i cheated on my boyfriend,got preguant and decided to do drugs,don't mean that i changed.but, then again...maybe that's why i'm alone and afraid now.i didn't lose everyone and everything...they lost me.i lost myself...

    "If who I am is what I have, and what I have is lost, then who am I?"
    -Anonymous heart