• I dreamt again last night
    You fell to peices all over me
    I couldn't see you
    The way you used to be.

    How do I say this
    I really don't know
    But how do I hide it
    You're crazy, not slow

    I don't think you love me
    I don't think you can
    Because I think you're crazy
    Some kind of sociopath.

    Some times you scare me
    You lose it so bad
    I love you so much
    But I think you're mad.

    I can't keep pretending
    That everything's fine
    When I can't help thinking
    You're out of your mind.

    But how do I tell you
    How can I say
    That unless you get better
    I don't think I can stay.

    How do I say "You're Crazy"
    Without you falling apart
    And how do I walk away
    Without breaking your heart?