• For: JPW

    Sitting in the darkness
    I think of only you
    Remembering all the good times
    And when you said you love me, too

    I miss you when you're gone
    I cry at night thinking of all the times when we're apart
    Every minute when you're not with me hurts
    I' m forever holding a deep longing inside my broken heart

    I long to be with you and hold you in my arms
    To laugh and cry with you
    Just holding you would make me happy
    But, what else can I do?

    You're always so busy
    So taken up and tied
    And you never even cared
    All those times I cried

    I try to remember more times when we were together
    But I can only think of one
    I remember that time when we hung out at our friends'
    Oh, I remember all the fun

    But then we parted
    And I was alone once more
    Forever to hold inside my heart
    A memory rudely torn