• There he was, there 'it' was. The small, pitiful remnant of something sweet. It was once an innocent, quiet little creature that just wanted attention. It had been brought to life, loved, and cherished because it was wanted. But now, now it was nothing but a symbol of what used to be.

    I stood over the decapitated body of my younger brother, sobbing. He hadn't deserved to accused of no greater crime than wanting someone to read him a bedtime story, much less by the hands of the only person who he thought really understood him. He had been killed by the person who, up until this point, was the best male roel model whom I could think of.

    The last thing he had seen was the face of the person who helped bring him into this world, and then had the hand of taking him right back out of it.

    My father, the town butcher, was now a wanted man by the police, my Mum, the majority of our town...

    And by me, his daughter.