• Emotions are said to make you strong,
    for they bring humans together in hands.

    They bring the love and joy,
    which humans hold dear.

    But tear apart the joy,
    and saddness overflows.

    Shred love into peices,
    and hate overwhelms.

    The sorrow that confines,

    The Hate that murders,

    The fear that constricts,

    The grudge that divides,

    For a little spit of hate,
    to make a friend kill another.

    And a forever held grudge,
    to make you turn your back and abandon.

    It is emotions that make you weak,
    for they turn humans against one another.

    Its is emotions that bring war,
    endless hate and death.

    Its is the one true reason,
    that peace can never be.

    It is when you cast away your emotions,
    will your eyes finally open.

    And your eyes finally clear,
    will see the scum that humans are.