• I fall asleep in dreams of glitter;
    To awaken, almost dazed.
    To know I am a dream within a dream
    [Nothing more, nothing less]

    My eyes snap open,
    And there are lights everywhere
    [neon lights, neon lights]
    Neon lights everywhere.

    "The world is a stage, remember?"
    "The world is a stage"
    And I am the main attraction...
    Crown me with diamonds and a smile of ivory.
    [let me know I am not dead]


    We all have hearts of candy, so hard...so sweet.
    Some of them whisper,
    Some of them sing.
    [Most of them are eaten..by our dreams, by our dreams]

    We are angels in repose,
    Saints perpetually immortalized by jaded movies of soft porn.
    Do you not know we are the gods we worship as we die of ecstasy?
    As we die of pure surge of insuline-joy.
    "It is only a play, it is only a game"
    [Shatter your hands, drink the rainbow joy inside]

    These bodies are mere vanilla;
    I dare you
    I dare you
    I double, double dare you.
    Step inside me, penetrate me
    [worship me, worship me]
    And then annihilate me.

    Kids at play;
    That is what we are.
    Goblins in parade...
    A magical, twisted masquerade.

    We are so good,
    So dull
    So dumb.
    We are so re-usable, disposable.
    [kiss me, and miss me ]