• I found a friend a friend today
    she didn't have alot to say
    I wondered if she wanted to play?
    but she just wandered away.

    I saw I saw her after school
    Me and my friends thought she was school
    Unfortunatly she thought we were fools
    but she just wandered away.

    I saw her again at the mall,
    I saw her by a wall.
    The wall was gray and black and blue,
    But she just wandered away as I tied my shoe.

    She wandered she wandered, all the time.
    She never stayed and talked and she never chimed.
    But then oh then she said to us,
    "Oh hello hello! I see you guys on the bus!"

    From that day on we became good friends
    A friendship that will never end.
    And now you know what she does?
    She stays and hangs out with us.