• I stand there, in a void My friends around me slowly freeze
    I feel forgotten...other people tell me to move on
    but i feel i cant do that...i feel that my purpose was destroyed
    even now as i stand, i feel that my soul is leaving
    i feel my heart turning cold, angry and sad...some of these
    friends i was close to but they left...for others..i feel like been placed into the
    Trash can and left there...tossed aside like a banana peel or something garbage-like, I go mad when i think of all the good memories i had with them..
    I didnt have a chance to say good bye to any of them
    many days go by when my phone lay on my bed lifeless
    Not getting any whats up? messages...my phone lay there like a useless
    piece of technology...as i laid there, all alone...an empty shell...