• With intertwining rings our surreal juxtaposition had begun.
    We started strong, beyond what I could have imagined as perfection,

    tragic how quickly it was distorted...

    You proclaimed yourself ring master,
    leader in our collaboration of life.
    With the power of existing with masculinity
    you controlled my every move,
    never bothering to halt the production of my tears.
    Negative attention was all I received,
    along with an occasional bouquet of guilty apologies
    for my latest scar or bruise.

    Swiftly the sparks of our young love faded,
    into busy wednesdays and lonely saturdays,
    whilst you gawked at women in bars.

    You used to keep me in an endless submission
    that made me wish to gather elsewhere's dust.
    But I've heard your last slip of the tongue,
    and felt your final strike of vehemence.
    Forgetting your desires for a poster-wife,
    I depart, sick of the revilement and trauma.
    Cracked, but entertaining my totality.

    I d o n 't n e e d y o u!