A broken heart is forcing yourself to hang up the phone after you have dialed the first three digits to his phone number. A broken heart is the cold, shattering feeling you receive when you hear his name. A broken heart is when you are crying yourself to sleep every night and yet crying more and more each morning. A broken heart is glancing at his pictures, and then quickly turning your attention to something else to avoid your tears. A broken heart is screaming and begging for a second chance inside, but not being able to say it out loud. A broken heart is the emptiness and heart wrenching feeling you encounter when you see that he is talking to other girls. A broken heart is knowing that no matter what you do or say to yourself, you can't fool your heart into believing that you will in fact be “okay”. A broken heart is when you finally realize that he’s everything you need… and at the same time realize he’s the one thing you can never have. A broken heart is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken then to hurt yourself trying to fix it.
broken heart
this I feel is a really good way of saying what a broken heart is...Oh I didnt know what category to post this in so sorry.
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