• I saw you
    Through silent pictures
    Adorned with bead – strings of pearls,
    A bright smile tinged
    With the colour of melancholy.

    Your rasping voice
    Screeching like an electric guitar
    Melodiously filling my senses,
    From across the decades
    Imploring me to love free.

    I heard you
    In my soul, in my bones
    As you cried out
    Screeching for freedom.
    A priestess of rock, evocating
    The soul of the people.

    Your music
    Promising changes, in perception
    Alluringly seductive
    To my thoughts.
    Breaking down barriers, built across time,
    Of social shallowness.

    You are immortal.

    Your legacy lives.

    The ecstacy of music
    You channel
    With heart and soul.

    The summer of love
    You embody
    By existing.

    You came,
    You changed,
    You left and lived on.

    I listened,
    I dreamed,
    I loved and lived awakened.