• You can see me, you can hear me
    And yet you do nothing
    I can see your inner-dilemma, between right and wrong
    I know you’re lurking on the edges of the cage society has placed us in.
    Not that you would know, not that you would care
    Why should you, after all, what are we to you
    Meaningless tools meant for nothing but to gossiped about and stared at
    Times are supposed to be changing, the world evolving
    But is it really if someone who has done nothing wrong is continually persecuted in the minds of everyone around them
    Constantly judged where ever we look; eyes filled with disgust and revulsion
    Not that we care, why should we
    What are you to us but those who don’t except us for who we are
    Though we fight against allegations, in the end
    It is you… who truly decides our fate…