• The Alter-Pleasures of the Species of Man

    A Folk Song by R. J. Olsen

    See the woman with the pin-pricked face.
    She walks down the road to the marketplace.
    Is this place she knows so far away?
    This place that keeps her running through a maze?
    This place that gives her those better days?

    This woman looks to the good north, never to the wicked south.
    Forward she goes on, the smile never leaving her mouth.
    The bad can blur away forever,
    If she chooses the half-full measure.

    [Chorus.] Oh, a Bundle of onions and a necklace of garlic,
    Things are not as hard as they seem.
    Go to the lake and kiss the lilac,
    Living as you are in a dream.

    See the man in the apartment window.
    He has a watching eye for the wind as it blows.
    The sky could be gray, the rain could be tappy',
    But this apartment man never ceases his intentional 'happy'.

    This man looks to the good south, never to the wicked north.
    Forward he goes on, the smile never leaving his mouth.
    The bad can blur away forever,
    If he chooses the half-full measure.

    [Chorus.] Oh, a Bundle of onions and a necklace of garlic,
    Things are not as hard as they seem.
    Go to the lake and kiss the lilac,
    Living as you are in a dream.

    [10 Count Break x2.]

    See the child playing in the soot.
    Flowers wreath his head and foot.
    This older boy, not so youth, but a child nonetheless,
    He is contented by his look and dress'.

    This boy looks to the good east, never to the wicked west.
    Forward he goes on, the smile never leaving his mouth.
    The bad can blur away forever,
    If he chooses the half-full measure.

    [Chorus.] Oh, a Bundle of onions and a necklace of garlic,
    Things are not as hard as they seem.
    Go to the lake and kiss the lilac,
    Living as you are in a dream.

    See the Crone working in the streets.
    Loves all of the faces that she meets.
    Tainted or blessed by her sinful happiness,
    She has no time for societies stress.

    This Crone looks to the good west, never to the wicked east.
    Forward she goes on, the smile never leaving her mouth.
    The bad can blur away forever,
    If she chooses the half-full measure.

    [Chorus.] Oh, a Bundle of onions and a necklace of garlic,
    Things are not as hard as they seem.
    Go to the lake and kiss the lilac,
    Living as you are in a dream.

    Living as you are in a dream.

    The End.