• Abraham Lincoln was his name
    Honesty was his game
    He treated everyone the same
    If they were rich or if they had no fame
    They were all still the same

    He was a significant leader in the Civil War
    If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t all be free
    He pushed this country very far
    And now we are as together as can be

    He wanted us all to be together as one
    He passed the Emancipation Proclamation
    He wanted slavery gone
    He wanted us all to be one nation

    He had such high expectations for us all
    He had a goal in mind
    He wanted to create the vision he saw
    It all worked out when the 13th to 15th Amendment were signed

    He was the target to kill
    It happened during a play
    No one noticed he was quite still
    It was an appalling day

    His death has affected us all
    A lot of people go to mourn
    Without him this nation wouldn’t be this way
    Without him our united nation wouldn’t have been born

    It’s hard to imagine a nation like it was before
    Where one race had more power than another race
    Many things led to this door
    That opened the nations’ new face

    Abraham Lincoln didn’t give up his dream
    His visions, his goals, or his expectations
    He knew what he wanted and didn’t give up
    And that’s how he changed this nation