• I saw you,
    Drifting my eyes to you,
    A single being in a big crowd,
    But you never saw me

    I saw you,
    But never spoke to you
    Because you would never answer
    As you would never hear me

    I saw you,
    From behind a mask,
    You never knowing the true me
    As you wouldn't have tried to understand

    I saw you,
    And tried to speak to you,
    But the words would never come out
    As if there were no words at all

    I saw you,
    As if a spell were binding me to you
    A spirit bound to her love
    As if I hoped that you would see me

    I saw you,
    Tired of waiting
    For you to notice
    The love that has me bound to you

    I asked you,
    Why won't you ever notice?
    When will you notice?
    Will you ever notice me?