• You watched as I came in,
    I watched as you went out.

    a loss of interest
    or a lack of spirit
    love is not a thing that lasts

    when I was a child
    unaware of the eyes watching me
    or not



    I skimmed the surface of something terrible
    The hell coming up for air
    and me, a little bird

    only seeing the little fish
    only seeing the little fish
    and floating


    On that water with only the dark glass fire below me

    your eyes cut me your words cut me

    if I had come from you, us being so matched in body,
    so distant in soul;
    what, then, would be the difference?

    only seeing the little bird
    only seeing its disgrace

    I plunge,

    eyes first into that water now, thinking I am now aware
    and I would gladly give you that life you lost
    give it back to you. New, unaware...

    a piece of me to grow.