• putting up an act,
    smileing when they smile,
    laughing when they laugh,

    when they need something, you start lending,
    but do you want to?
    your just pretending

    when nobodys there tears fall,
    they dont care,
    your alone though it all,

    its time to start mending,
    but its impossible,
    your just pretending,

    you want to belive that you can get better,
    want to forget,
    but, what does it matter?

    the memories will always be there,
    haunting you,
    giving you a scare,

    perhapes its possible to start sending,
    messages about how you feel,
    about how your pretending,

    so take the chance, dont wallo in pain,
    mabe they can help,
    just dont become vain,

    there will always be hurt,
    no matter where you go,
    but to be happy, you have to lurk

    mabe you'll never let anyone in,
    thats okay,
    its not a sin,
    but it would be better if one person knew,
    that you were pretendeng, and that wasnt you

    so if they new, they could help you,
    take away some of the pain, and get through
    they'll help you mend,
    and you wont have to pretend