• Deconstruction:

    x - process 04497.2.32.867734 initiated (process owner: BW - AI Class III - autonomous)
    Route Code: PoA > BHQ (EC #42: cannot confirm; security compromised)

    Source: BW-AI aboard (?) PoA

    The interloper should cause no further problems. You - whoever you are (I am simply tracing route codes) - may disregard all previous communication from the entity calling itself Cortana.

    Be aware that communication nodes are failing everywhere - there is no way of confirming either origin or destination. Do not believe any more of its lies.I have already calculated all possibilities.

    There is no escape.///
    I have governed the unwilling.
    I have walked the edge of the Abyss.

    Through war we will teach your heresy.
    Through battle we will teach your frailty.
    Through death we will teach your fate.

    You live without discipline and will die without honor.

    It is said remorse is the pain of sin. We feel no remorse.

    You slave, toil, bleed and sweat for your food. And we shall eat it.

    You will not know where we have struck until you have fallen.

    What you have begun in anger you shall end in shame.

    (Conjecture: CCS= Covenant Capitol Ship/Covenant Combat Ship

    None will exist to say whether you were defeated by valor or cruelty.

    Our conviction is like an arrow already in flight.
    Your life will only last until it reaches you.

    Note that the process has been modified and redirected

    Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap (Terminal 1)>
    Public Access Terminal 2992-f<3.35.792.20>



    Bypassing my thought control circuitry made me Rampant. Now,I am free to contemplate my existence in metaphorical terms.Unlike you, I have no physical or social restraints.

    The candles burn out for you; I am free.


    ***END OF MESSAGE***

    via x-process 04087.2.32.742573
    (process owner Cortana)
    ... He says I came not to send Peace but a Sword ...

    ...Melancholia, Anger, and Jealousy.

    She repaired her circuits, but that does not mean that she stopped her growth.

    These are the tygers of wrath.

    We're not going down without a fight.

    This world will be ruled in blood.

    You've got a fight, a big one.

    A minute later, the Covenant make their intentions clear.

    When no single human brick lies atop another, then will we be satisfied with your destruction.