• Hey girl how are you doing,
    I know that we shouldn't be talking,
    All wanted to say was just a hello,
    But if I can't do that I understand,
    And if I'm not aloud to do that,
    Then let me say this,
    I dreamt of this,

    I'll grab my guitar,
    I'll head down to your house,
    I'll ring the god damn door bell,
    Even if I have to break down,
    I'll head right into your room,
    And play a sound,
    Because if I didn't,
    Then it will be a lonely tone,

    The next day I saw you,
    with the man of your dreams,
    Even though you act like,
    His jokes are damn funny,
    But when you see me,
    You'll remember the times,
    Of our memories,
    So just let me say this,
    I thought of doing this last night,

    I'll grab my guitar,
    I'll head down to your house,
    I'll ring the god damn door bell,
    Even if I have to break down,
    I'll head right into your room,
    And play a sound,
    Because if I didn't,
    Then it will be just a lonely tone,

    Why_____did you do this to me,
    Why_____did you have to break me,
    Why_____did you have to destroy our love,
    Why_____why did you,
    Why did you,
    Why did you,
    Why did you have to do this to me,
    Even after all the stuff that were from me,
    You kept on going,
    And kept on breaking me,
    You know that once you do that,
    You'll never have love back,
    Oh no,
    Oh no,
    Oh no you wont,

    I'll grab my guitar when I get home,
    I'll then head down to your home,
    I'll ring the god damn door bell,
    And wait for someone to answer,
    I'll then head right into your room,
    And play a song that will remind you,
    That I've always loved you,
    And that I'm not a lonely___tone,