• I stare numbly at the ceiling of my empty room.
    Tears run down my face to soak the pillow below.
    It happened so fast.
    In just an instant, he was gone.
    I rise and move to my window.
    The twinkling lights torment me,
    Water from the rain distorting their beauty.
    He always loved the city lights.
    A terrible thing that they were the end of him.
    I slam my fist against the cool pane as the tears continue to fall.
    My love, how could you leave me like this?
    Soon, I find myself wandering lost through my home
    Our home!
    When I step from the front door rain meets my face
    He loved the rain
    Two lights rapidly move towards me and I watch them through blurred sight
    I surprise myself as I take a step onto the black river before me, but take another
    I raise my face to the heavens, drops of rain kissing my face
    A loud screech cuts through the cool, wet night
    I will see you soon, my love.