• I know only one way to prove this lov e is true
    Is this poem I wrote for you

    You who makess me happy
    You who makes me cry
    I know I make you happy too
    Even though I don't even have to try

    Happyness and laughter
    And saddness and weeping
    We are always together
    Even when we're sleeping

    But nothing dirty
    As you promased me
    I want it clean
    Isn't it obviuse we were ment to be?

    I am making a promase to you
    You don't have to promase me too
    I promase to never let you wound
    I promase to protect you

    If it means for you to be healthy
    And if it means for you to be safe
    Than in death and pain
    I will take your place

    I can't put all my feelings in this poem
    But on thing certan I can say
    Our hearts are hooked together
    And forever they will stay