• You can’t stand the pain any longer.
    You can’t continue this fight.
    That aching hole inside your chest,
    It’s getting larger all the time.
    There’s a certain point
    We all have to reach:
    Where we become exactly
    Who we don’t think we are,
    Exactly what might make us
    Or break us.
    You’re at that point,
    Or nearing it, anyway.
    The point where stress or pain
    Or that soul-crushing emotion,
    Is all you ever feel.
    When it becomes too much,
    For you or anyone else,
    Remember what you’ve always known,
    Deep in your heart; your soul.
    When you reach that point,
    You have to endure
    Just one moment longer.
    The final moment;
    When the truth is revealed to you.
    Just one more moment,
    In the pit of despair,
    Pass this one last test,
    In the dark abyss.
    For once you go through this,
    Your point will pass.
    You will be shaken for sure,
    It must seem like a ton.
    But you’ll be alright;
    It was for your own good.
    Can’t you now see?
    You are much stronger,
    Yet softer (to others, at least),
    If you only endure it
    Just for one more moment.