• Listen closely as the drops begin to fall
    Listen to the story its trying to tell to all
    Drops of dew fill the air, stand still, listen closely
    Gaze at the storm before you
    Wind tusseling and turing the leaves about
    As the thunder roars and the clouds grow darker
    Look up at the gray and black in the sky
    And not wonder but admire, such dark beauty in such a peaceful melody
    Drops fall faster as they hit the pavement one by one
    The storm grows louder, but their song has just begun
    The faint sound of the water dripping off the roof
    The smell of moss and dew in the air
    The smell of spring
    Watch and dream in this harmonized mess
    Lighting crashes as the thunder grows louder
    Competing for victory to scare off those who are frightened
    People walk the streets and flee from the scene
    Others sit and stare ..and watch
    The screams and cries of the lighting echoes in the air
    As the thunder rolls louder and rings in your ears
    The rain falls faster and harder now, the song still playing
    But the tune is fiercer than before, danger looms over houses and parks
    As the rain pours hard and the animals scurry while others bark
    Smell the fallen rain stained in your hair as you just stand in the middle of it all
    Waves of peace overwhelm your soul as the rain begins to take on a slower roll
    Little fragile drops of dew quietly fall and whisper their song
    The lighting stops but the thunder still sings along
    The leaves all spread out and about, as the sun slowly rises
    And the aftermath is revealed, see what those cowards have missed?
    A beauty so calm, yet fierce in the beginning, slowly calms to a drizzle as the thunder becomes only but a faint ringing in ones ear
    Look at the flowers all fed and sprouted, such a beautiful melody that many enjoy
    Though others choose to run and hide
    I choose to stand outside in the middle of the beautiful mess
    I choose to listen to the melody of death and life
    Though i become disraught that the song has stopped
    I still hum the song of the melody now laid to rest
    Now, whenever there is a storm sturring about
    You'll know where to find me
    Oustide on the porch , or standing in the rain
    I enjoy listening to the harmonic melody
    Though at times it does abrubtly cease
    I still watch and admire the tears of peace.