• To Renhou,

    I always think

    What do my friends see in me?

    I’m not cool, I go over the top

    I try to hard to make people laugh

    But it always bites me in the butt

    No one treats me fairly

    Some hate me for no reason

    I try to be nice

    But it never works

    People always leave me out

    Some friends come and go

    Some just is mean

    I lost some of my close friends

    And it sickens me

    I have one great friend

    Who treats me too good

    I don’t deserve her love or friendship

    But am glad she is there

    Always by my side and laughs with me

    That is what a true friend is

    I love her as a sister

    I see her all the time

    We can talk for hours

    And I am glad to have her there

    We freak each other out

    And laugh at each other

    But that is what I like most about her

    She is awesome

    And I could never ask for a better friend

    We never really fought much

    And if we did we would make up

    Because it kills us not to talk to each other

    I try to be the best friend ever but I always fail

    My mouth takes over

    And I want to slap myself

    I say the wrong stuff

    and stuff comes out wrong

    but I must be something

    and I must be doing something right

    because I have a true good friend

    that is my life, my sister, and my heart…..

    Yours truly,
