• You're still in my heart;
    Can't get you out of my head,
    But the second you broke me,
    I wished us both dead.

    I'll try my hardest
    Not to think about you
    But it's not that easy;
    I can't forget about you.

    We were once great friends,
    But that came to an end
    The second you started
    That rumor.

    You started to lie and then deny
    When we came face-to-face.

    But I knew you too well,
    I knew your tell,
    And I knew right away what you had done.

    I didn't want to believe it
    When I first got word,
    But seeing your face
    I then understood.

    It started with lies that were easily brushed off,
    But when you saw them not hurt me
    You made matters worse:

    You quickly forgot deception and lies
    And instead spilled things you knew not you should.

    Things became worse for me and now
    As I sit at my desk and pull back the trigger
    I glance at a single sheet of tear-stained paper,
    Written on it my final thoughts ever:

    Why did you do it?

    How could you do?

    What made you do it?

    Good-bye now my friend;
    I guess I should be happy;
    At least half my wish has come true.