• bum bum bum bud bum bum godzilla come marching threw Tokyo city then bat man jumps behind and Optimus prime come and grapbs a building smashes it on godzilla's belly then come Michael Jordan throwing confety then Jack Chan jumps on his back Indiana jones saw godzilla sneaking up from behind so he reached for his gun which he just could not find because bat man stole it and he shot and he missed and Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist and he jumped in the air and did a summer sault Abraham Lincoln tried to poll a vault but Jackie Chan and Lincoln collided in the air and fell on the ground and they both got killed by the care bear stare then Cloud Strife took out a big sword slashed up Joe Jonas and then Godzilla smashed Cloud strife then (in a soft voice) then comes Chuck Norris right from heaven the angels Decendent Chuck Norris he could deliver a kick that can shatter bones into the croch of Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones cried in pain but Light Yagami had to right every ones name in the Death note. So the winner is Light Yagami.